Category: Homebrew Applications

PSP AntiTroj for PSP

Japanese author Mr. lS[UMD/2kdlSU] has released PSP AntiTroj. AntiTroj is a tool written in C# language for checking trojans in BOOT.BIN. How to use:You need...

Battleship for the PSP

Elevationsnow has released a ?Very early version? of battleship for the PSP. Here is what he had to say: This is a very early version...

Public PSP Server Stress Test

The Tilt-Mode-Army have started running a stress test on the first public PSP webserver called PPSPS (Public PSP Server beta.) Current features of this PSP webserver are: Features:– Can...

Datel to Sell PSP Hard Drive?

Modcase from our forums put up an interesting link in our irc channel not too long ago. Apparently will be selling Datel’s newest product,...

Sony Style Announces

Sony Style Japanese has announced “MovieSquare” portal, which will provide VAIO type X Living high definition/size video for PC from October, 31st. But, user of...

PSP MOD Play v0.1 Released

Rainer Sinsch has released the PSP MOD Play v0.1. PSP MOD Play v0.1 is a MOD player for the PSP. The information about this version includes: Installation...

German subway maps for PSP

Source: electrobeans electobeaners has just emailed us that they created some sbuway maps for major cities in Germany. Here is what they had to say...

Lua PSP Paint Me v0.1

Raptrex has released the PSP Paint Me v0.1. Lua PSP Paint Me is a painting program written in Lua language. It is now in a very...