Category: Reviews

Review: Death Jr. – By Garp

One of our moderators, and self confessed game fanatic, Garp, has just finished his latest game review for the PSP:...

GTA Liberty City Stories Unplugged

Source: gtacentral The GTA revolution is going portable We have to be honest when we first heard that GTA was coming to our favorite portable...

Viewtiful Joe for PSP – More Details

Source: Ferrago Capcom’s Clover Studio have revealed a few more details today about their upcoming GameCube / PSP opus, Viewtiful Joe: Battle Carnival. The game...

MediEvil Resurrection Preview

Source: gamespot Sir Daniel Fortesque, the hero of the story, is the mumbling protagonist of this game and doesn’t seem to mind being undead. In...

Lumines for PSP Review

We can?t get enough of Lumines for PSP! Spiffy from our forums has written a review of the game. You can read the full review...

EA FIFA Soccer Best Seller

When you think EA sports, you think Madden. However, it might surprise you that the company?s best selling game of all time is FIFA Soccer....

Intelligent License Review and Impressions

Source: PSPForums Seishinbyou has posted up his review of Intelligent License. First off, the obligatory box shots: The menu system is rather uninteresting; similar in...

Rengoku PSP Review

Blogcritics With the PSP launching with a solid if unspectacular action-RPG in Untold Legends, it’s amazing that we actually had to wait this long for...

Metal Gear Acid 2 Update

Source: IGN Konami unveiled Metal Gear Acid 2 to hungry PSP owners (and PSP website editors) at E3 last week, but few details on the...