Category: E3

Pre-E3 Treat: Gods & Heroes Screenshots

MMORPG fans will witness a Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising Extravaganza at E3 next week. The SOE Platform Publishing booth will have two demo machines...

Huxley To Support 100 vs. 100 Battles

Webzen is quite confident that it’s upcoming massively multiplayer first-person shooting game (MMOFPS) Huxley will get gamers’ approval with stunning visuals and immersive gameplay. With...

Pre-E3 Photos To Get You All Excited

             It’s almost E3! It’s almost E3! To get you all hyped up for the event starting in only a few days, we’ve got some...

Theseis Playable Demo on E3

Paranormal journalists Andronicus and Pheve follow the lead of a long-lost ancient artifact and gets caught in modern-day Athens where a thin line between reality...

F.E.A.R. Coming to Xbox 360

Vivendi today announced that Sierra’s F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon), is currently being developed for the Xbox 360 and will be unveiled at E3 in...

New Combat Shooter at E3 Press Conference

Speaking with French Magazine Chronic’Art, Miyamoto mentioned that a shooter, similar to Star Fox, would be revealed for the Nintendo DS. This is supposedly a...