Wii homebrew game – Roxoptr2 v0.2
Looking for more games to add in your wiibrew archive? Well here a new version of Roxoptr2 courtesy of Thomas Jollans and Mr_Nick666. Roxoptr2 is...
AHA gives seal of approval to Nintendo Wii
There has been a long-winded debate as to the health benefits of the Nintendo Wii and its exercise games, but the American Heart Association has...
Monster Hunter Tri community site gets events schedule
Can’t sit still and always looking for something to don on Monster Hunter Tri? Not to worry, co sthanks to Capcom’s community site and its...
EA accepting fan-submitted one-liners for NBA Jam, original announcer returns
Got a one-liner you reckon is fit for inclusion in NBA Jam? Submit it to EA and they might just add it in....
Wii homebrew game – Dance Clone v0.3
Here’s the latest version of Dance Clone, a wiibrew clown of the ever-popular music game Dance Dance Revolution for the Nintendo Wii courtesy of homebrew...
Wii homebrew game – bugiin v1.4
Are you looking for more games to add in your wiibrew archive? Well why don’t you check out the latest version of Brunetteredhead’s bugiin, a...
Wii homebrew – WiiMC v1.0.3
Homebrew coders Tantric and rodries has released a new version of WiiMC, another feature-packed, open source media player for the Nintendo Wii. The latest update...
Wii getting Call of Duty: Black Ops too
It turns out that Wii owners won’t be left out of black ops duty this November. Activision has confirmed that Call of Duty: Black Ops...
Wii homebrew game – Sand Traps v2.3
It’s been a while since we last heard from homebrew coder Uffe Flarup, but now he’s back to release a new version of Sand Traps,...
Wii homebrew game – PixelMerge v1.0.0
Homebrew coder evilynux has released a new version of PixelMerge, a homebrew port of the turn based game Flood-It!, in which you are tasked to...