Wii homebrew – JzintvWii v1.0.0
Homebrew coder jenergy has released the initial version of JzintvWii, a port of Joe Zbiciak’s jzintv Intellivision emulator for the Nintendo Wii. Download:...
Robocalypse continues with some Beaver Defense
Vogster Entertainment continues its Robocalypse series with Robocalypse: Beaver Defense, which finds itself included in this week’s WiiWare update. Interesting name. So…how does the whole...
Wii homebrew – WiiMC v1.0.4
More homebrew coming your way guys as wiibrew coders Tantric and rodries release a new version of their feature-packed, open source media player for the...
Metroid: Other M dated
I know exactly six people celebrating their birthdays on September 2nd, and believe me, I suck at remembering people’s birthdays. There could be more, but...
Gold’s Gym Dance Workout given a release date
Ubisoft continues to milk the money cow that is Wii-compatible workout games with Gold’s Gym Dance Workout. It’s a workout that will get you dancing...
Wii homebrew – Pimp My Wii v1.42
Homebrew coder Attila has released a new version of Pimp My Wii, a handy wiibrew program that “will detect missing or outdated IOS and check...
Wii homebrew game – Alien Puzzle Wii v0.6
Homebrew coder GEMISIS has recently released a new version of Alien Puzzle, a wiibrew game in which you play as a little alien tasked to...
Treyarch: The Wii is great, hence our commitment to it
As far as Treyarch is concerned, they will be staying committed to Nintendo’s Wii console. This was message sent loud and clear by studio head...
Wii homebrew game – JellyCar Wii v1
Homebrew coders Drakon and Shadow has ported the excellent squishy homebrew racer, JellyCar, into the Wii console. More after the jump! Download: JellyCar...
Epic Mickey to strut new graphical stuff at E3
Didn’t like that rubbery look much for Epic Mickey, did you? Disney didn’t seem to either, that’s why they’re revamping it up, this according to...