Wii mod: Internal WaveBird reciever
If you’re one of the tech fans who thinks that the sight of a WaveBird receiver slapped onto your Wii’s Gamecube port ruins the console’s...
Wannabe Revolution Controller for the PS2?
Well, we knew it would happen. After Nintendo announced its controller design an functionality, it was predicted that companies would attempt to copy the design and...
Nintendo Giving Away Revolution TV Remotes
If you happen to be a member of Club Nintendo and have 400 rank points, then you’re in luck. Nintendo Club members of this stature...
Revolution Protector Screen?
Source: Joystiq This mock-up for the Nintendo Futurna(?) has our rumor sense tingling and on high alert, but it is an interesting idea, nonetheless. What...
Mock-up Revolution Controller – with video
A guy named Tsietisin from rllmukforums has created his own version of a Nintendo Revolution controller using a Gyration Ultra mouse, ASCII Grip one handed PS1 controller,...
Revolution Controller Charging Station : Concept
These concept images were created by Tim Forbrook from IGN’s forums, and depict an interesting possibility for the Revolution controller’s power factor....
Revolution Controller Concepts: Shooters
source: IGN Ok so this is a little bit old, but very cool nonetheless. Our member DaddyFatSacz put these pictures up in our Nintendo Revolution...
Revolution Controller Shell
source: IGN“This add-on makes it possible to play Revolution games in a more traditional manner. The shell is designed to look and function like accepted...
Jim Merrick Talks New Controller & Add on Classic-Style Expansion Controller
Speaking with Ellie Gibson from Eurogamer.net, Jim Merrick senior director of marketing Nintendo Europe talks about new controller and the add on classic-style expansion controller,...
Revolution Controller – In Depth – High Res Pics
Source: IGN It was a rare opportunity. Yesterday, just outside of Tokyo, Japan, Nintendo invited us to experience the Nintendo Revolution controller for ourselves. Joined...