Category: News

Nintendo Revolution Finished?

Source: GamersReports According to the Dutch site Inside Gamer, the Nintendo Revolution console is finished. They get their info from the Japanese news source Dengeki,...

Nintendo’s Official Stance

What does the Big N have to say about Revolution’s tech specs? Click to find out. Source: IGN December 8, 2005 – Online reports are...

Satoru Iwata Turns 46

We all know how vastly important Miyamoto, Kondo, Yamauchi and even Reggie were and are to Nintendo. However, recently one man has been responsible for...

First Revolution Game Screenshot?

Here we have a rumored Metroid Prime Revolution screenshot which was found on the Japanese site watch.impress. Like so many rumors, take this with a...

Raid over the River Screens for Revolution

Game developer NIBRI has posted some screenshots of a title they are developing for the Nintendo Revolution. Revolution Report contacted NIBRIS directly for further insight...