Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day in SL by changing race
Master Penguin (nice choice of name by the way), has an article up on Second Life Insider reflecting on the merits of celebrating Martin Luther King Jr Day in Second Life. He encourages that users celebrate the holiday in Second Life by donning an Avatar that is either a different race or of a different color than their real life race/color. He notes that he got the idea through New World Notes.
He also takes time in his article to note other people’s opposition to this movement. For example Moriash Moreau writes in his blog that he sees this exercise as borderline racist and disrespectful to the memory of Martin Luther King. Master penguin notes that while he can see Moreau’s point, he says that he doesn’t feel that the celebration is such.
He adds that if you feel that it is racist, then he suggests that not only do you just change your appearance, but you also spend time learning about and embracing different social groups on the Grid.
Master Penguin decided (albeit unintentionally) to go with an avatar that looks like Lenny Kravits. Who will you guys go as?
Master Penguin (nice choice of name by the way), has an article up on Second Life Insider reflecting on the merits of celebrating Martin Luther King Jr Day in Second Life. He encourages that users celebrate the holiday in Second Life by donning an Avatar that is either a different race or of a different color than their real life race/color. He notes that he got the idea through New World Notes.
He also takes time in his article to note other people’s opposition to this movement. For example Moriash Moreau writes in his blog that he sees this exercise as borderline racist and disrespectful to the memory of Martin Luther King. Master penguin notes that while he can see Moreau’s point, he says that he doesn’t feel that the celebration is such.
He adds that if you feel that it is racist, then he suggests that not only do you just change your appearance, but you also spend time learning about and embracing different social groups on the Grid.
Master Penguin decided (albeit unintentionally) to go with an avatar that looks like Lenny Kravits. Who will you guys go as?