Cell phones, Mobile Media, and the Emmys
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences will be handing out Emmys for the most outstanding original programming in mobile devices, including cell phones. The Emmys are usually held for the best daytime shows but because of all the digital influences and technology nowadays, the Academy has decided to include a new category for popular mobile devices and technology. The new category was created back in November due to the growing interest in mobile devices like iPods, computers, and cell phones.
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences will be handing out Emmys for the most outstanding original programming in mobile devices, including cell phones. The Emmys are usually held for the best daytime shows but because of all the digital influences and technology nowadays, the Academy has decided to include a new category for popular mobile devices and technology. The new category was created back in November due to the growing interest in mobile devices like iPods, computers, and cell phones.