Cell-Powered appliances by early ’08

ps3 cellSomething that cost Sony Â¥ 2 billion (about a bazillion U.S. dollars) to develop must be good for something else than a game console! In fact, the PS3’s Cell Processor – the thing that cost a bazillion dollars – was never meant to be exclusive to the game console.

Various configs of the Cell has joined the U.S. Army, a supercomputer, and the medical community. But for most of us, our encounter with the Cell outside the PS3 is through various electronic appliances commonly found in homes.

If you’ve been following the Cell posts here in QJ, you probably knew that back in June Sony announced its plans to use the Cell on appliances. The news here is that Sony is unleashing these Cell chip-powered gadgets as early as 2008.

According to Sony, “three to four of its leading electronic products” will ship equipped with the now famous Cell processor. Sony also said it wonÂ’t limit the utilization of the Cell to certain electronic appliances. The company plans to use it in “any products which will find a meaningful enhancement with the processor.”

Memo to Sony: Did you guys see that movie “Small Soldiers”? Don’t go overboard with the Cell, okay?

Via Next Generation

ps3 cellSomething that cost Sony Â¥ 2 billion (about a bazillion U.S. dollars) to develop must be good for something else than a game console! In fact, the PS3’s Cell Processor – the thing that cost a bazillion dollars – was never meant to be exclusive to the game console.

Various configs of the Cell has joined the U.S. Army, a supercomputer, and the medical community. But for most of us, our encounter with the Cell outside the PS3 is through various electronic appliances commonly found in homes.

If you’ve been following the Cell posts here in QJ, you probably knew that back in June Sony announced its plans to use the Cell on appliances. The news here is that Sony is unleashing these Cell chip-powered gadgets as early as 2008.

According to Sony, “three to four of its leading electronic products” will ship equipped with the now famous Cell processor. Sony also said it wonÂ’t limit the utilization of the Cell to certain electronic appliances. The company plans to use it in “any products which will find a meaningful enhancement with the processor.”

Memo to Sony: Did you guys see that movie “Small Soldiers”? Don’t go overboard with the Cell, okay?

Via Next Generation

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