Character creation and progression in Silverfall
With the great news that Monte Cristo Games‘ Silverfall has gone gold, we could just expect good things to come after that. After the spankin’ new screens, not much has been said about the game. But to make up for lost time and opportunity, Jehanne Rousseau a project manager at Monte Cristo, filled us in about character creation in Silverfall.
He mentions that they really wanted to immerse players into the game so they made sure that players could really craft the exact character they want and that they wouldn’t be limited to the “confines of a single-character class”. The Monte Cristo honcho said that there are four races available in the game: troll, elf, goblin, and human.
He went on to say that the choice of race has a direct impact on your character’s abilities and that the character’s sex also influences gameplay – in terms of storyline. NPCs will react differently based on whether your character is male or female.
Jehanne also talked about what makes character progression interesting. He divulged that for each level gained, your character will earn attributes and skill points that you can distribute wherever you want – not limitations whatsoever. You also have the choice of picking your companion’s skills so that they balance each other or make each other look good. So in the end, you could end up being a “spellcasting archer or a necromantic priest”.
In the end, the game offers a free character building feature and he stressed that this is what makes the game different from all the others. He then said that:
This makes Silverfall quite unique and also adds plenty of replayability to the game because, as you certainly won’t be able to see all of the skills in a single game, you can experience a new character each time you play.
With the great news that Monte Cristo Games‘ Silverfall has gone gold, we could just expect good things to come after that. After the spankin’ new screens, not much has been said about the game. But to make up for lost time and opportunity, Jehanne Rousseau a project manager at Monte Cristo, filled us in about character creation in Silverfall.
He mentions that they really wanted to immerse players into the game so they made sure that players could really craft the exact character they want and that they wouldn’t be limited to the “confines of a single-character class”. The Monte Cristo honcho said that there are four races available in the game: troll, elf, goblin, and human.
He went on to say that the choice of race has a direct impact on your character’s abilities and that the character’s sex also influences gameplay – in terms of storyline. NPCs will react differently based on whether your character is male or female.
Jehanne also talked about what makes character progression interesting. He divulged that for each level gained, your character will earn attributes and skill points that you can distribute wherever you want – not limitations whatsoever. You also have the choice of picking your companion’s skills so that they balance each other or make each other look good. So in the end, you could end up being a “spellcasting archer or a necromantic priest”.
In the end, the game offers a free character building feature and he stressed that this is what makes the game different from all the others. He then said that:
This makes Silverfall quite unique and also adds plenty of replayability to the game because, as you certainly won’t be able to see all of the skills in a single game, you can experience a new character each time you play.