Charge Control 0.1.0: turn your PSP’s charging functions on and off
Homebrew developer Weltall has released Charge Control 0.1.0, a new homebrew application that gives PSP users more control over their PSP’s charging functions. More info in the full article.
Download: Charge Control 0.1.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums thread
CWCheat developer Weltall is back with another piece of PSP homebrew called Charge Control, a useful plugin if you want to plug your PSP into a socket but you already have a fully-charged battery.
With Control Charge, you can disable your PSP’s charging functions so as to minimize the chances of overcharging and damaging your battery. Of course, batteries already have their own safeguards to keep them from overcharging, but it pays to be on the safe side, nonetheless.
To disable the PSP’s charging functions, all you have to do is press L + R + Vol – (that’s the minus volume button). To turn the charging functions back on, just press L + R + Vol +. This is a first release, but here’s a short changelog regardless:
- Buils for 3.7x and other firmwares
- [ALL] Works at low priority and combinations are checked one time every second
- [ALL] It’s possible to enable and disable battery charging immediately
For installation and usage instructions, please refer to the readme file included in the download.
Download: Charge Control 0.1.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums thread