Charles Martinet bounces over Game Head, talks Mario and his past

Mario, that Italian moustached plumber… Who would’ve thought he would sound… not so plumber-ish? Not exactly a surprising revelation anymore, but the same guy behind his voice also did other major Nintendo characters like Wario, Luigi, baby Mario, and baby Luigi. You can put all the love and hate on the man responsible, Charles Martinet.

Most of us first heard him in Mario 64 which was released more than a decade ago, yet he’s far from being out of the business. Being a guest in several events such as the the Video Games Live Concert in San Francisco, this 57 year old man is still kicking.

We’ve found a video of him in action on Gametrailers as they feature Game Head, a show American and Canadian gamers can’t miss. Of course, there’s also a review on Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer and a look at the hot babes on the Juiced event.

Anyway, Martinet talks a little bit about his past, his experiences, and why Link can’t get a voice after so long. The video is embedded below, so see for yourself:

Mario, that Italian moustached plumber… Who would’ve thought he would sound… not so plumber-ish? Not exactly a surprising revelation anymore, but the same guy behind his voice also did other major Nintendo characters like Wario, Luigi, baby Mario, and baby Luigi. You can put all the love and hate on the man responsible, Charles Martinet.

Most of us first heard him in Mario 64 which was released more than a decade ago, yet he’s far from being out of the business. Being a guest in several events such as the the Video Games Live Concert in San Francisco, this 57 year old man is still kicking.

We’ve found a video of him in action on Gametrailers as they feature Game Head, a show American and Canadian gamers can’t miss. Of course, there’s also a review on Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer and a look at the hot babes on the Juiced event.

Anyway, Martinet talks a little bit about his past, his experiences, and why Link can’t get a voice after so long. The video is embedded below, so see for yourself:

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