Cheap Motion-Sensing Solution for Current Handhelds!

InvenSense IDG-300Motion-sensing devices like the Wii are the wave of the future, but that doesn’t mean that current-gen consoles will have to limp along without this capability. A company called InvenSense has announced that it has produced a motion-sensing add-on, the IDG-300, specifically for handheld devices.

The IDG-300 is a piece of work, at least on paper. It’s a tiny (6mm by 6mm) motion-sensing gyroscope that senses up to 400 degrees of rotation a second on two different axes – which, in plain English, means that no matter how you rotate a device that’s making use of it, your motion will (or should) be translated into meaningful motion in whatever game you’re playing. Plus because it’s so small, it can very easily be incorporated in today’s generation of portable devices.

To top it all off, it’s really quite cheap. InvenSense is promising that the IDG-300 can be bought in bulk for less than $3 a unit! All of which means that you just might be able to buy this little wonder for your portable device of choice really soon. Really looking forward to trying it out.

Thanks to our man MICHAELSD for the tip!


InvenSense IDG-300Motion-sensing devices like the Wii are the wave of the future, but that doesn’t mean that current-gen consoles will have to limp along without this capability. A company called InvenSense has announced that it has produced a motion-sensing add-on, the IDG-300, specifically for handheld devices.

The IDG-300 is a piece of work, at least on paper. It’s a tiny (6mm by 6mm) motion-sensing gyroscope that senses up to 400 degrees of rotation a second on two different axes – which, in plain English, means that no matter how you rotate a device that’s making use of it, your motion will (or should) be translated into meaningful motion in whatever game you’re playing. Plus because it’s so small, it can very easily be incorporated in today’s generation of portable devices.

To top it all off, it’s really quite cheap. InvenSense is promising that the IDG-300 can be bought in bulk for less than $3 a unit! All of which means that you just might be able to buy this little wonder for your portable device of choice really soon. Really looking forward to trying it out.

Thanks to our man MICHAELSD for the tip!


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