Choose your Super Street Fighter IV pre-order goodies

ssf4-thumbCapcom has revealed the different pre-order goodies you can get with Super Street Fighter IV. Depending on your geographical location and which retailer you pre-order from, you can get some alternate costumes, iPhone covers, shirts, or even thumb warmers fighters.


Capcom has revealed the different pre-order goodies you can get with Super Street Fighter IV. Depending on your geographical location and which retailer you pre-order from, you can get some alternate costumes, iPhone covers, shirts, or even thumb warmers fighters.


In the US, those who pre-order from Amazon and Best Buy can get a “Super Classic Costumes” pack with alternate looks for Dhalsim, Fei Long, Blanka, Gen, and Guile. You can make Blanka look like a green Dan and turn Fei Long into the classic Bruce Lee character Kato. This is a timed exclusive, so it’ll eventually be available to everyone.




The freebie from GameStop, which Capcom calls “Super Thumb Fighters”, is a bit more strange. These are basically thumb warmers with Street Fighter character faces printed on them. For thumb wrestling, you see. There are four sets available, although the one you get is random.


Over in Europe, gamers in the region can get either the Super Classics Costume pack, some iPhone covers, or shirts made to resemble Street Fighter costumes. Info on where you’ll have to pre-order to get a specific freebie has yet to be announced.




Super Street Fighter IV comes out in North America on April 27th and in Europe on April 30th.




Via [Capcom, Joystiq]

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