Chromehounds In The Eyes of Chief Producer Toshifumi Nabeshima
Chromehounds is perhaps one of the most highly anticipated games in the Xbox360. However, how are we to know that this is the truly a great game? Well, this interview with Chief Producer for ChromeHounds, Toshifumi Nabeshimawill give us a better idea of what to expect with the said game.
To start with, Nabeshima isn’t a novice when it comes to creating games. In fact, he has the popular game Armored Core under his belt. He served as the producer for this crafty mecha game. I guess that gives us a hint that when it comes to mecha games, Nabeshima really knows his stuff. The interview focused on how this mecha game differs with others, as well as how this game utilized the power of the Xbox360.
According to Nabeshima, there are two elements which make ChromeHounds unique. First is the Hound assembly system which allows you to assemble your own hound after the items that you have gathered. As Nabeshima puts it, it was like assembling a brick building out of Lego. This makes your mecha a little more personalized than those that just drop a giant robot under your control. It could also mean that you could also build your mecha from scratch.
More about Chromehounds after the jump.
Chromehounds is perhaps one of the most highly anticipated games in the Xbox360. However, how are we to know that this is truly a great game? Well, this interview with Chief Producer for ChromeHounds, Toshifumi Nabeshima will give us a better idea of what to expect with the said game.
To start with, Nabeshima isn’t a novice when it comes to creating games. In fact, he has the popular game Armored Core under his belt. He served as the producer for this crafty mecha game. I guess that gives us a hint that when it comes to mecha games, Nabeshima really knows his stuff. The interview focused on how this mecha game differs with others, as well as how this game utilized the power of the Xbox360.
According to Nabeshima, there are two elements which make ChromeHounds unique. First is the Hound assembly system which allows you to assemble your own hound after the items that you have gathered. As Nabeshima puts it, it was like assembling a brick building out of Lego. This makes your mecha a little more personalized than those that just drop a giant robot under your control. It could also mean that you could also build your mecha from scratch.
More so, the game isn’t meant to be played alone. Team tactics is a crucial, if not, the most important element in playing the game. As we have seen in those mecha animes, it takes a team to finish a mission; it’s never the work of one person alone. This team tactic will not only be emphasized by a multi-tapped XBox360, but the game will also utilize XBox360’s Live Play. It means that you may even now play this game with your best friend from Kanagawa, Japan.
What Nabeshima wanted was to create a mecha game that would utilize the console’s power to its limits. To create a game is easy, but to make it perfect for the console, is another thing. Nabeshima’s team always thought of creating Chromehounds with the Xbox360 player in mind. Hence they intend to give you the ultimate mecha experience with your Xbox360. And indeed, Nabeshima has a lot of things in store for fans in Chromehounds. He has revealed that there are over 80 maps to choose from, and three countries to side with. For each team, there are different roles that players could assume. He uses the analogy of a football team wherein there are left wing attackers and defenders, all depending on how you assemble your team.
Nabeshima is still thinking whether some additional content, such as weapons and other upgrades, should be downloadable in the near future. Although this sounds good, he noted that the idea of the game is to tactically develop your squadron. It’s not by what is in your mech, but how you build your mech and how it works with the team. He considers that the squadron gameplay, as well as the stunning graphics, are the best characteristics of this game.
From this interview, it seems that Chromehounds is pushing the XBox360 to the limits. However, it might think of its competition as Gundam is coming up with an answer to Chromehounds and may even be employing the same use of Xbox360’s Live Play as well as the squadron tactics. I guess it’s the battle of the mechas in the Xbox360. You can also read an earlier interview with Nabeshima here.