Cliff: Heavy Rain is the birth of its own genre, talks more Bulletstorm

heavy_rainFor someone who enjoys going big and blowing up all things in his video games, Cliff Bleszinski definitely surprised himself when he realized that he is actually a very huge fan of thought-heavy Heavy Rain. He even goes so far as to say that it’s the “birth of its own genre.”




For someone who enjoys going big and blowing up all things in his video games, Cliff Bleszinski definitely surprised himself when he realized that he is actually a very huge fan of thought-heavy Heavy Rain. He even goes so far as to say that it’s the “birth of its own genre.”




“I’m glad that David Cage and the tremendously talented team at Quantic Dream are taking those risks because I couldn’t,” he said. “I wouldn’t even know where to begin building that game.




There were so many risks that were taken with that game but for me, I was riveted from the start to the very end. I think it’s the birth, in many ways, of its own genre.”





He also talks about his latest game,  Bulletstorm, in this video interview below.











Via [CVG]




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