Command & Conquer 3 battlefield gameplay vid
We know we’ve been giving you nothing but screens and countless info for Electronic Arts‘ upcoming real-time strategy PC gameCommand & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars (PC, Xbox360). And while that’s all good and gives us useful insights into the game, let’s face it, we all wanna see more of the action, right? And what better way to check out the battlefield action via a gameplay vid?
So yeah, you guessed it, that’s exactly what we’re bringing you guys today. Just click on the play button below and getta load of the laser thingamajigs, the crazy explosions, and the creepy crawlies (or at least that’s what they looked like) that you’ll soon be seeing on your screens come March. Enjoy the vid!
Via GameTrailers
We know we’ve been giving you nothing but screens and countless info for Electronic Arts‘ upcoming real-time strategy PC gameCommand & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars (PC, Xbox360). And while that’s all good and gives us useful insights into the game, let’s face it, we all wanna see more of the action, right? And what better way to check out the battlefield action via a gameplay vid?
So yeah, you guessed it, that’s exactly what we’re bringing you guys today. Just click on the play button below and getta load of the laser thingamajigs, the crazy explosions, and the creepy crawlies (or at least that’s what they looked like) that you’ll soon be seeing on your screens come March. Enjoy the vid!
Via GameTrailers