Command & Conquer 3’s Mike Veru: WarTech 2047
Long time since we’ve posted our last Command & Conquer 3 update, and that’s too long a time for this GDI vet. Time to get back to CIA – or QJ’s version of it – and siphon up this latest intel in the seminal RTS franchise. In his latest blog posting at C&C3‘s official Electronic Arts site, Exec-Producer Mike Verdu gladly walks us through the high-tech evolution of warfare in a Tiberium world in 2047.
Which is to say, for GDI, not as high-tech as hoped for. Old Tiberium Sun vets may be asking right now: where are the walker mechs? Where are the hover tanks? GDI’s thrown them out the widow “due to budget constraints,” opting for the cheaper but tried and true old-style Mammoth Tank and classic medium tank designs. The only walker left in the arsenal (so far) is the follow-on to Tiberium Sun: Firestorm‘s Juggeraut artillery mech. Luckily they’ve kept and expanded their Ion Cannon net, as well as adding the devastating Firestorm fast attack jet. Pictures below for the curious, from Mike’s blog post.
But Nod? Man, they break the barriers of military tech – not to mention many laws of man and nature. Aside from research into stealth, always a Brotherhood staple, they’ve also experimented with “tons” of Tiberium weaponry that Mike can’t talk about right now because, well, that would spoil the story). They’ve even got psych weapons (uh-oh, we hear Red Alert 2‘s Yuri’s voice in the background), mobile beam-based weaponry (think Ion Cannons on wheels), and even advanced mechs – take that from thine own arsenal and shove it, GDI!, saith the blessed Kane.
EALA continues to work on C&C3, incorporating fan comments and wishes, as well as a respect for the established Tiberian storyline. Verdu has mentioned before that they would like to bring the game onto the Xbox 360, just as with Battle for Middle Earth 2. May Kane reward them greatly if they do so.
Long time since we’ve posted our last Command & Conquer 3 update, and that’s too long a time for this GDI vet. Time to get back to CIA – or QJ’s version of it – and siphon up this latest intel in the seminal RTS franchise. In his latest blog posting at C&C3‘s official Electronic Arts site, Exec-Producer Mike Verdu gladly walks us through the high-tech evolution of warfare in a Tiberium world in 2047.
Which is to say, for GDI, not as high-tech as hoped for. Old Tiberium Sun vets may be asking right now: where are the walker mechs? Where are the hover tanks? GDI’s thrown them out the widow “due to budget constraints,” opting for the cheaper but tried and true old-style Mammoth Tank and classic medium tank designs. The only walker left in the arsenal (so far) is the follow-on to Tiberium Sun: Firestorm‘s Juggeraut artillery mech. Luckily they’ve kept and expanded their Ion Cannon net, as well as adding the devastating Firestorm fast attack jet. Pictures below for the curious, from Mike’s blog post.
But Nod? Man, they break the barriers of military tech – not to mention many laws of man and nature. Aside from research into stealth, always a Brotherhood staple, they’ve also experimented with “tons” of Tiberium weaponry that Mike can’t talk about right now because, well, that would spoil the story). They’ve even got psych weapons (uh-oh, we hear Red Alert 2‘s Yuri’s voice in the background), mobile beam-based weaponry (think Ion Cannons on wheels), and even advanced mechs – take that from thine own arsenal and shove it, GDI!, saith the blessed Kane.
EALA continues to work on C&C3, incorporating fan comments and wishes, as well as a respect for the established Tiberian storyline. Verdu has mentioned before that they would like to bring the game onto the Xbox 360, just as with Battle for Middle Earth 2. May Kane reward them greatly if they do so.