Compiled Daedalus SVN released, rev306 ready for use
Sbrillion1 has tipped us off about an unofficial release of a compiled SVN build of Daedalus rev306. Apparently, HLthe1freeman did the dirty work for the lazy and those who don’t know how, and he made the unofficial release of the emulator. You can get it right here.
Download: Daedalus REV306
Visit: QJ.NET PSP General Discussion
Sbrillion1 has tipped us off about an unofficial release of a compiled SVN build of Daedalus rev306. Apparently, HLthe1freeman did the dirty work for all of us and those who don’t know how, and he made the unofficial release of the emulator.
This is a video of our forums poster Joseph Stalin 2 playing with the emulator. Feedback seems pretty good, Mario 64 is working nearly at its full speed, and it ‘s looking pretty good. Hats off to the Daedalus team.
Download: Daedalus REV306
Visit: QJ.NET PSP General Discussion
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