Concept model: Xbox 360 + Zune = Xbox 1080
It’s conceptual, but no matter – it’s brilliant! This here is a conceptual handheld for Microsoft‘s gadgets, Xbox and Zune. The creator, Carl Archambeault, dubs it as the Xbox 1080. His goal: to combine the gaming power of Xbox 360 and the music and video power of the Microsoft Zune.
It’s conceptual, but no matter – it’s brilliant! This here is a conceptual handheld for Microsoft‘s gadgets, Xbox and Zune. The creator, Carl Archambeault, dubs it as the Xbox 1080. His goal: to combine the gaming power of Xbox 360 and the music and video power of the Microsoft Zune.
It would have been cool if it actually works, or if it does, if we can actually see it play games or music or videos, but guess we’ll have to do with this for now. Or unless the powersuits that be in Microsoft take a good notice and say, “Hmmm… maybe we can skip Xbox 720 altogether and head on straight for an Xbox 1080.”
Maybe. In the meantime, congrats to Carl Archambeault for this concept!
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Via Coroflot