Condemned 2: Bloodshot delayed?
It seems like Monolith Productions survival-horror game is condemned to a life of delays. Rumor has it that Condemned 2 for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 consoles will be now pushed back to the month of April. Find out when after the jump
It was announced before that Monolith Productions‘ upcoming Condemned 2: Bloodshot for the PS3 and Xbox 360 will be released on March 11, 2008. Now, rumor’s spreading that the game will be pushed back to April 4.
In addition, the game’s own demo has already been pushed back with no final release date yet. So it’s not so difficult to accept the notion that the full version release will be delayed as well.
According to the dev diaries, the game hasn’t even come to final certification because of various reasons. Also, sites such as PlayFrance and Amazon have already listed the game to be hitting the shelves on the rumored date.
Well, this rumored release is still a rumor. No official word has been made regarding this. So do take this information with a grain of salt. We’ll keep you guys posted for more news.
Buy: [Condemned 2: Bloodshot (Xbox 360)]
Buy: [Condemned 2: Bloodshot (PS3)]
Via xbox360fanboy