Credit card catastrophe: Keeping private details private is hard for 360 owners

XBOX 360 - Image 1Fact: You can look up information on ANYONE in the internet – and it’s not the type of information you’d want anyone with enough time and enough computer know-how in their hands, unless you want your hard-earned savings suddenly vanishing with a simple click of a button. And before you pick up that phone to tell your local bank, relax – it’s not them. The reason for worry, in fact, is right under your nose – or sitting beneath your wide-screen TV.

Yes, it’s the shiny new console from Microsoft, the XBOX 360, that’s been causing all sorts of problems for owners who incidentally have their credit card information attached to their accounts. Now, you may be thinking – why don’t they just have the information removed if they’re all wadded up in a bunch about it? That’s a very good question, and the answer is less than comforting, as Blogger and XBOXIC reader Jmel reports from XBOXIC.

“I confirmed that you CAN get your CC removed from your account. It will take a call to support and a few days, but it can be done,” Jmel rang up Xbox LIVE Customer Support to do just that.

The answer of XBOX Live Customer Support? No, you can’t have your credit card information removed.

Things seemed to look up somewhat as Jmel got through to a few supervisors, coming away with the rather dodgy bit of information that one could have his credit card information removed within 7 to 10 business days. Playing it safe, however, Jmel lodged a formal complaint with TRUSTe and he received an email stating that “…we have determined that it is a valid privacy complaint. We have contacted on your behalf and have outlined the steps necessary for proper resolution.”

This is a good thing since it means the complaint’s now considered an official one, and Microsoft would be hearing from TRUSTe soon enough. We here at QJ wish Jmel the best of luck, and we’ll keep you readers posted.

XBOX 360 - Image 1Fact: You can look up information on ANYONE in the internet – and it’s not the type of information you’d want anyone with enough time and enough computer know-how in their hands, unless you want your hard-earned savings suddenly vanishing with a simple click of a button. And before you pick up that phone to tell your local bank, relax – it’s not them. The reason for worry, in fact, is right under your nose – or sitting beneath your wide-screen TV.

Yes, it’s the shiny new console from Microsoft, the XBOX 360, that’s been causing all sorts of problems for owners who incidentally have their credit card information attached to their accounts. Now, you may be thinking – why don’t they just have the information removed if they’re all wadded up in a bunch about it? That’s a very good question, and the answer is less than comforting, as Blogger and XBOXIC reader Jmel reports from XBOXIC.

“I confirmed that you CAN get your CC removed from your account. It will take a call to support and a few days, but it can be done,” Jmel rang up Xbox LIVE Customer Support to do just that.

The answer of XBOX Live Customer Support? No, you can’t have your credit card information removed.

Things seemed to look up somewhat as Jmel got through to a few supervisors, coming away with the rather dodgy bit of information that one could have his credit card information removed within 7 to 10 business days. Playing it safe, however, Jmel lodged a formal complaint with TRUSTe and he received an email stating that “…we have determined that it is a valid privacy complaint. We have contacted on your behalf and have outlined the steps necessary for proper resolution.”

This is a good thing since it means the complaint’s now considered an official one, and Microsoft would be hearing from TRUSTe soon enough. We here at QJ wish Jmel the best of luck, and we’ll keep you readers posted.

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