Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII – four videos; screenshots of Tifa, Aerith, Cloud, more

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - four videos; screenshots of tifa, aeris, cloud, more - Image 1So you want to see more of Square Enix‘s Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII? Well, then we’re not going to hold back. We have ten new screenshots of some of the characters that will be making their appearances in the game. Expect Tifa, Aerith/Aeris, Yuffie and more. Aside from this, four new videos are in store for you guys as well. Catch everything after the jump!

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - four videos; screenshots of tifa, aeris, cloud, more - Image 1Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - four videos; screenshots of tifa, aeris, cloud, more - Image 2

Boy, oh boy! This update we have for you guys is surely a whopper. Not only do we have screenshots on some of the old faces that will be making a comeback in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, but also four brand new character videos of Cloud, Aeris/Aerith, the Turks and Cissnei herself.

Do take your time in taking in all the familiar faces that have appeared here, like Tifa, Yuffie, Rude, and Reno. It’s been awhile since Final Fantasy VII was originally released. The familiar faces, above and below, sure can make fans reminisce scenes from the original RPG.

There’s no doubt that having this huge cast of characters only whets the appetite of fans. With the release date really drawing near, enjoy the screens and videos that we have for you.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - four videos; screenshots of tifa, aeris, cloud, more - Image 1Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - four videos; screenshots of tifa, aeris, cloud, more - Image 2Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - four videos; screenshots of tifa, aeris, cloud, more - Image 3Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - four videos; screenshots of tifa, aeris, cloud, more - Image 4
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - four videos; screenshots of tifa, aeris, cloud, more - Image 5Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - four videos; screenshots of tifa, aeris, cloud, more - Image 6Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - four videos; screenshots of tifa, aeris, cloud, more - Image 7Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - four videos; screenshots of tifa, aeris, cloud, more - Image 8

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