Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII mag scan from Shonen Jump

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII mag scan - Image 1We came across a new magazine scan featuring Square Enix‘s upcoming PSP title Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. It’s been a while since we last posted anything about this game, so here you go. The scan comes from the Japanese magazine Shonen Jump, so the standard QJ Japanese disclaimer applies here.

The lower left part of the scan shows Ifrit, one of the constants in the Final Fantasy universe. Ifrit can once again be summoned in this game, and like some of the previous Final Fantasy titles, you first have to beat him before you can use him in battle.

Well, that’s pretty much all we know about the scan. If you wanna check out the trailer, click here for the one with subtitles. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is slated for an August release in Japan. The demo’s reportedly coming this month.

Via JeuxFrance

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII mag scan - Image 1We came across a new magazine scan featuring Square Enix‘s upcoming PSP title Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. It’s been a while since we last posted anything about this game, so here you go. The scan comes from the Japanese magazine Shonen Jump, so the standard QJ Japanese disclaimer applies here.

The lower left part of the scan shows Ifrit, one of the constants in the Final Fantasy universe. Ifrit can once again be summoned in this game, and like some of the previous Final Fantasy titles, you first have to beat him before you can use him in battle.

Well, that’s pretty much all we know about the scan. If you wanna check out the trailer, click here for the one with subtitles. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is slated for an August release in Japan. The demo’s reportedly coming this month.

Via JeuxFrance

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