Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP bundle announced by SCEE
The rumors are true! Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has announced the impending launch of a Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PlayStation Portable bundle. Want to find out more? Then head on over to the full article by clicking on the “read more” link below.
It seems the rumors are true. Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has revealed that it will indeed be releasing a Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PlayStation Portable bundle.
Gamers in Europe champing at the bit to get this limited edition pack should expect it to be available by June 20 this year.
The bundle itself contains a copy of Square Enix‘s Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII as well a special, engraved silver PSP. If you plan on picking this up, expect to drop around € 189.99 (around US$ 293) for the entire pack.
No word yet on whether this special package will be carrying other extras like the Buster Sword strap that came with the Japan package but we can always hope.