Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII scans
The original Final Fantasy VII on the PlayStation has forever become ingrained in the hearts and minds of many an RPG gamer as one of the best games ever made. These are the same people for whom Square Enix is releasing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII for. Fans of all things Final Fantasy (I am referring to those who ordered the potion set, drank the liquid, and pretended to like it) are definitely not going to miss this game for the world.
This game is the prequel to the FF VII game and joins the the three other parts of the series. So what new information do these scans from Shonen Jump provide? Well, basically, it confirms the presence of Shizune (Turk) and Yuffie. If that’s not enough, it also confirms that Yuffie will be a playable character in a few of the later missions, so fans of this cute girl have more reason to pick up the game.
The game is slated to be released in Japan on September 13 with the international release hopefully following suit. Check out the scans to see if you can squeeze out more information we may have missed. Keep checking back here for more updates on Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII for the PSP.
Via Jeux France
The original Final Fantasy VII on the PlayStation has forever become ingrained in the hearts and minds of many an RPG gamer as one of the best games ever made. These are the same people for whom Square Enix is releasing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII for. Fans of all things Final Fantasy (I am referring to those who ordered the potion set, drank the liquid, and pretended to like it) are definitely not going to miss this game for the world.
This game is the prequel to the FF VII game and joins the the three other parts of the series. So what new information do these scans from Shonen Jump provide? Well, basically, it confirms the presence of Shizune (Turk) and Yuffie. If that’s not enough, it also confirms that Yuffie will be a playable character in a few of the later missions, so fans of this cute girl have more reason to pick up the game.
The game is slated to be released in Japan on September 13 with the international release hopefully following suit. Check out the scans to see if you can squeeze out more information we may have missed. Keep checking back here for more updates on Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII for the PSP.
Via Jeux France