Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII video – Sephiroth and Genesis fight
What we have here is a new video for Square Enix‘s PlayStation Portable video game Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. It features an epic fight between Sephiroth and Genesis with Angeal in the middle of it. Just beware that the clip might give away some parts of the story. If you want to see it, just click the “read more” link below.
QJ.NET reader Cheska dropped us a note regarding a new video for Sony PlayStation Portable exclusive Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII from Square Enix. The clip itself was uploaded by RPGNetwork.
Anyway, this clip is very important especially for those who are not well versed in the storyline of Crisis Core or the events that took place in Final Fantasy VII. This video features an epic fight between Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal.
The cut scenes before and after the fight were also included to further make the viewers understand what was really happening. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII will be released in North America this coming March 25.
If you are planning to pick up the game, beware that some parts of the clip may serve as a spoiler. But if you can’t wait for Square Enix’s epic title to hit retail shelves, then go ahead and watch the clip. Enjoy!
QJ.NET would like to thank Cheska for the heads up!