CTF Unpacker v1.5

CTF Unpacker v1.5 - Image 1Here’s another something from homebrew coder FreePlay that should help you out with your themes problems on your Sony PSP units: called CTF Unpacker, this basically this basically unpacks the plain PTF to a single file. The full details are in the full article.

Download: CTF Unpacker v1.5
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forum

CTF Unpacker v1.5 - Image 1After releasing version 1.8 of the homebrew application FreeRadio, FreePlay released another program that should help out owners of the Sony PlayStation Portable who like to tinker with their handheld’s themes.

Called CTF Unpacker, this basically unpacks the plain PTF to a single file. It then saves patch-only PRXs to the “patch-only” folder. For those who are interested to use this, FreePlay provided the following notes:

  • Windows users can click+drag a CTF theme file onto the program to unpack it, or run the program from the command prompt.
  • Linux users, just run “./ctfunpacker <ctf file>”. Make sure you have permissions for
  • making files/dirs in the working directory.
  • Note: PAF.PRX, COMMON_GUI.PRX, and VSHMAIN.PRX are really only be patches used to patch the files in memory; they’re not complete files.

To avid having problems during usage, just take a look at the Readme.txt file that comes with the download package below. It should provide you with some necessary information.

Download: CTF Unpacker v1.5
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forum

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