Custom Firmware 1.62 IE-C Update3
Homebrew developer becus25‘s own custom firmware is beginning to gain ground and a following of its own. When Custom Firmware 1.62 IE-C Update2 was released, a handful of users pointed out a bug concerning the program’s recovery program.
becus25 has fixed that bug now, not to mention minor tweaks here and there, bringing the application to Update3. Specifically, the problem was about the recovery function not loading whenever your R shoulder button is pressed or broken.
Once this update is installed, you will have a blank screen when loading should you press the R button. Don’t panic, just hit start and then the recovery function for SE or OE will load. becus25 also mentioned that he found a couple of other bugs that should be resolved in the next release.
Before you use this application, be sure to check the Readme file as well as the “To Install” file that comes with the download.
Download: Custom Firmware 1.62 IE-C Update3
View: QJ PSP Development Forum
Homebrew developer becus25‘s own custom firmware is beginning to gain ground and a following of its own. When Custom Firmware 1.62 IE-C Update2 was released, a handful of users pointed out a bug concerning the program’s recovery program.
becus25 has fixed that bug now, not to mention minor tweaks here and there, bringing the application to Update3. Specifically, the problem was about the recovery function not loading whenever your R shoulder button is pressed or broken.
Once this update is installed, you will have a blank screen when loading should you press the R button. Don’t panic, just hit start and then the recovery function for SE or OE will load. becus25 also mentioned that he found a couple of other bugs that should be resolved in the next release.
Before you use this application, be sure to check the Readme file as well as the “To Install” file that comes with the download.
Download: Custom Firmware 1.62 IE-C Update3
View: QJ PSP Development Forum