Custom PSP Themes: Black/Blue Sexy Theme, XMB Of The Future, GreenSwarl
Let’s do this by batch, shall we? Fishing through the forums has lifted this catch of three PSP custom XMB themes to gawk at, admire (or not), and if it catches your fancy, pimp your PSP with. You can choose between the teh sexy (really, it is…) Black/Blue Sexy Theme, the heavy-industrial XMB Of The Future, or the neon-bright and psychedelic GreenSwarl Complete XMB.
Download: Black/Blue Sexy Theme
Discuss: PSP Development Forum
(To get the two alternate topmenu plugins, please visit the Discussion link to download them directly – they’re topmenu plugins to replace the topmenu plugin first option in the complete theme pack)
Download: XMB Of The Future v0.8
Discuss: PSP Development Forum
Download: GreenSwarl Complete XMB Theme
Discuss: PSP Development Forum
Details on each custom XMB theme pack at the full article. Yes, there are a couple more screenshots that has that model in the background, because we know you’d ask.
Let’s do this by batch, shall we? Fishing through the forums has lifted this catch of three PSP custom XMB themes to gawk at, admire (or not), and if it catches your fancy, pimp your PSP with. You can choose between the teh sexy (really, it is…) Black/Blue Sexy Theme, the heavy-industrial XMB of the Future, or the neon-bright and psychedelic GreenSwarl.
Black/Blue Sexy Theme is by mitico250, it actually comes with three different topmenu icon choices, all of which blends into the moody fusion of the two theme colors. The theme carries a sort of stylish appeal, as though the PSP were a prerequisite item to be found in some fashionista’s handbag and not just as a gaming device.
And no, we’re not speaking this way because of the model featured in the background of the related screenshots.
Download: Black/Blue Sexy Theme
Discuss: PSP Development Forum
(To get the two alternate topmenu plugins, please visit the Discussion link to download them directly – they’re topmenu plugins to replace the topmenu plugin first option in the complete theme pack)
pelotazos’ XMB Of The Future has nothing to do with a certain canceled Disney Channel series, and everything to do with solid metal, and maybe gears (no, not Metal Gear Solid, either). The XMB turns into that sort of GUI you might find in games that involve a lot of heavy machinery, with solid icons and industrial-strength sliders… Either way, we could easily imagine the clashing and grinding of metal as an appropriate sound effect.
Download: XMB Of The Future v0.8
Discuss: PSP Development Forum
And oni8245’s GreenSwarlComplete XMB Theme doesn’t stray too far from the XMB waves of the original, but it sticks those waves and swirls all over the icons. The words that come to mind are “Groovy, baby,” if the swirling effect on the icons haven’t hypnotized us first.
Plus, simply because it’s called GreenSwarl doesn’t mean it’s stuck in green. oni8245 also includes a pink-themed swarl… which would be fitting if you happen to own a pink PSP.
Download: GreenSwarl Complete XMB Theme
Discuss: PSP Development Forum