CWCheat 0.2.0

Sony PlayStation Portable - Image 1PSP Homebrew Developer weltall has just released the latest version of CWCheat, the prx which can cheat DevHook-compatible games running on custom firmwares. After a long time in its 0.1.X version stages, finally, the app is now in version 0.2.0 and has a lot of new features and fixes some glitches from the previous version.

Download: CWCheat 0.2.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

CWCheat v0.2.0 - Image 1 

PSP Homebrew Developer weltall has just released the latest version of CWCheat, the prx which can cheat DevHook-compatible games running on custom firmwares. After a long time in its 0.1.x versions, finally, the app is now in version 0.2.0 and introduces a lot of new features.

CWCheat v0.2.0 also fixes some glitches from the previous version. Users please note this warning from weltall:

For 3.71m33 users you should have at least 3.71m33-3 to be able to use cwcheat in the 3.71m33 series because of missing patches in the older firmwares. Users of older firmware versions (3.60, 3.52, 3.51, 3.40) aren’t affected by this.

Here’s the changelog for CWCheat v0.2.0:

  • [ALL] now it’s possible to change clock > 222/166 on 3.71+ firmwares. thanks to dark alex.
  • [ALL] now 3.71+ builds requires 3.71m33-3 or never because of required patches available only from that version
  • [ALL] changed drive checking method: now it should be almost immediate in the initialization (no more waiting) and even in a more safe way
  • [ALL] The new drive checking method made possible removing various checks introduced before because they became useless reducing so the prx size
  • [IRSHELL] Now (in irshell builds) the drive (or emulated one) is checked everytime you open the menu so when you start the game in irshell
    • (or other loaders which works in a similar way) the next time the menu is opened the game db is automatically loaded accordingly.
  • [ALL] fixed an optimization glitch which blocked the usb function from being disabled
  • [ALL] some code about usb was removed from builds with usb disabled
  • [ALL] fixed a little glitch which made the cpu frequency option go from 333 to 266 without going trough 300, optimized also a bit the code managing it
  • [ALL] now when you add a new cheat in the cheat selection menu a number is put after the “NEW CHEAT” name, like if you searched for it
  • [ALL] Fixed some texts to be more proper and have a better case
  • [ALL] now never texts are translatable using the classic cwcheat.lng in the cwcheat folder.
  • [ALL] Added norwegian translation thanks to blackrave
  • [ALL] Updated italian translation.

N.B. Older language files are now incompatible, if you have done one before which isn’t in the package please tell me so i can add your language file to the database for quick generation in case of change of positions of things in the file. Users should grab the new for language file from the package and replace the one they were using before.

Users are advised to go through the documentation included with the archive, which includes readme and Frequently Asked Questions files. Please go to our forums for questions or discussions on the application.

Thanks to Lektor for the tip!

Download: CWCheat 0.2.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

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