Daedalus 64 Compatibility Thread

Visit our forums often? If not, you should. Flai, from our forums, has started a Daedalus compatibility list, with new contributions every hour. Not sure if you’re favorite game is playable, or will even load? Check there. Daedalus, being open source, will improve quickly. The community can step up to produce mods and variations, unnoficial updates, and fixes. So we should see an increase in compatibility, as well as an increase in speed and stability. This thread (14 pages already!) already is a good start towards helping devs, and can be more useful than you think! Go there and post your findings, or browse our other forums and threads here! Thanks to LaMa for the icon, and to Flai for the thread!

Visit our forums often? If not, you should. Flai, from our forums, has started a Daedalus compatibility list, with new contributions every hour. Not sure if you’re favorite game is playable, or will even load? Check there. Daedalus, being open source, will improve quickly. The community can step up to produce mods and variations, unnoficial updates, and fixes. So we should see an increase in compatibility, as well as an increase in speed and stability. This thread (14 pages already!) already is a good start towards helping devs, and can be more useful than you think! Go there and post your findings, or browse our other forums and threads here! Thanks to LaMa for the icon, and to Flai for the thread!

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