Dark Age of Camelot Grab Bag This Week

DAoCSanya of Mythic Entertainment has provided a few tidbits for DAoC fans this week.

-Cast timers for single target bolts of the Wizard, Runemaster, Eldritch, Shaman and Warlock have been recuded from 2.5 to 2 seconds. 

-The Scepter of Intellect will still drop off the upgraded mobs in the Avalon Marsh, and the Forest Smuggler will drop it more often than theTracker – but it still won’t happen often.

-Valkyries’ Mend Spells have been changed to Regeneration Spells (for “stacking” reasons)

There’s also a “heads-up” regarding a bug in which “Bracers of the Deep” have incorrect dex/acuity stats. Currently, the one tagged as Albion is too low, but this should be addressed shortly.

One issue that came up this week was that of payment methods. People without credit cards can often purchase “game cards” at their local gaming store, but Mythic Entertainment doesn’t offer this service. The simple reason is that revenue from these cards has to be split with the store, and since it is illeagal (as well as discriminatory) to charge more than the normal monthly subscription fee, it causes a revenue loss for the game developers.

Mythic does offer a “Pay By Cash” option, which players can learn about here. There are also various “pre-loaded” cards (similar to calling cards) than can be purchased for various amounts.

Via The Camelot Herald

DAoCSanya of Mythic Entertainment has provided a few tidbits for DAoC fans this week.

-Cast timers for single target bolts of the Wizard, Runemaster, Eldritch, Shaman and Warlock have been recuded from 2.5 to 2 seconds. 

-The Scepter of Intellect will still drop off the upgraded mobs in the Avalon Marsh, and the Forest Smuggler will drop it more often than theTracker – but it still won’t happen often.

-Valkyries’ Mend Spells have been changed to Regeneration Spells (for “stacking” reasons)

There’s also a “heads-up” regarding a bug in which “Bracers of the Deep” have incorrect dex/acuity stats. Currently, the one tagged as Albion is too low, but this should be addressed shortly.

One issue that came up this week was that of payment methods. People without credit cards can often purchase “game cards” at their local gaming store, but Mythic Entertainment doesn’t offer this service. The simple reason is that revenue from these cards has to be split with the store, and since it is illeagal (as well as discriminatory) to charge more than the normal monthly subscription fee, it causes a revenue loss for the game developers.

Mythic does offer a “Pay By Cash” option, which players can learn about here. There are also various “pre-loaded” cards (similar to calling cards) than can be purchased for various amounts.

Via The Camelot Herald

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