Dark Age of Camelot hot fix list for April 10

Dark Age of Camelot - Image 1Community Coordinator Joanne Laroche announced that the developers from EA Mythic have applied some hotfixes to Dark Age of Camelot. The changes involve doppelganger cloaks and its activated ability, the bravado spell. For more information, head on over to the full article.

Dark Age of Camelot - Image 1Community Coordinator Joanne Laroche released a list of hotfixes for EA Mythic‘s Dark Age of Camelot. Apparently, the developers put in a few changes regarding both the bravado spell which is activated with the /use2 of the doppelganger cloaks.

The first change limits where the bravado spell can be activated. The spell is now only usable in the Frontiers Zones including the RVR Dungeons, but not the Battlegrounds. Its effects will be removed when the character zones.

Gaheris players, however, can use the bravado spell in the capital cities when they get Realm points and Bounty points from the turn-in of Dread Seals in those zones.  The spell will still be removed when zoning.

These changes should address a few of the balance issues regarding this spell. Keep checking back here for more information.

Via Camelot Herald

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