Dark Age of Camelot hot fixes for content and inventory

Dark Age of Camelot hot fixes for content and inventory - Image 1The latest hotfixes for Mythic Entertainment‘s Dark Age of Camelot have come out and it looks pretty good. The changes deal with inventory and content problems players have been complaining about over the recent weeks.

You may have noticed that Draconic Essence Stones are auto assigned to other party members if the inventory of the one picking it up is full. The system will no longer do this, giving the party a chance to choose who gets the item.

With regard to content fixes, the Stealing Supplies Quest now displays the correct waypoint in the map. This removes any confusion regarding the location of the instance and should allow newer players to complete it with minimal problems unlike before.

The biggest change, and one veteran players will undoubtedly be happy about, is the transfer of the location where Gerik Morrow’s Sword is used. It has been moved north of Golestandt’s Lair which should prevent players from drawing aggro (and casualties) from the dragon before they’re ready.

This is a pretty solid update from Mythic and should keep players happy until patch 1.90k leaves the test servers.

Via Dark Age of Camelot official site

Dark Age of Camelot hot fixes for content and inventory - Image 1The latest hotfixes for Mythic Entertainment‘s Dark Age of Camelot have come out and it looks pretty good. The changes deal with inventory and content problems players have been complaining about over the recent weeks.

You may have noticed that Draconic Essence Stones are auto assigned to other party members if the inventory of the one picking it up is full. The system will no longer do this, giving the party a chance to choose who gets the item.

With regard to content fixes, the Stealing Supplies Quest now displays the correct waypoint in the map. This removes any confusion regarding the location of the instance and should allow newer players to complete it with minimal problems unlike before.

The biggest change, and one veteran players will undoubtedly be happy about, is the transfer of the location where Gerik Morrow’s Sword is used. It has been moved north of Golestandt’s Lair which should prevent players from drawing aggro (and casualties) from the dragon before they’re ready.

This is a pretty solid update from Mythic and should keep players happy until patch 1.90k leaves the test servers.

Via Dark Age of Camelot official site

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