Dark Sector Blog – A glitch in the system

Dark Sector Blog - A glitch in the system - Image 1Dark Sector has just gone gold recently. What’s suprising is that Dave Kudirka, Assistant Producer of Digital Extremes, has been able to encounter a bug. This particular bug apparently defies logic in the game. Find out what this bug is after the jump.

Dark Sector Blog - A glitch in the system - Image 1Even if Digital Extreme’s Dark Sector (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) has just gone gold recently, a bug has already shown its ugly face in the game. Dave Kudirka, Assistant Producer, was able to encounter a bug which sends torsos sky-rocketing into the sky.

Pictured on the right is the screenshot of the specific bug. This happens when Hayden performs a power throw of his glaive which splits a guy in half at the waist. Upon critical impact, the torso would then be sent flying into the sky, leaving a rainbow of blood in the process.

The programming team has been able to confirm that this bug won’t ever see the light of day when the game comes out. They said that this bug only needs an easy fix. Aside from this particular bug, Kurdirka provided a video of some of the minor glitches they found in the game.

Worried that you won’t see body parts flying around everywhere? Well, Kudirka said that you guys can still send enemies airborne using grenades, proximity mines, and environmental hazards in the game.

Anyway, do enjoy the short clip we have for you. Keep your eyes on to this space for more updates on the game.

Buy: [Dark Sector (PS3)]
Buy: [Dark Sector (Xbox 360)]

Via IGN Blogs

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