Datel’s Freeloader product page removed from site
Team Twiizer’s Twilight Hack may have finally found a workaround for Nintendo’s Wii System Menu v3.3’s security updates, but it’s a different story for Datel’s Freeloader. It seems that the product page has been removed from More in the full article.
Earlier this month, Nintendo’s Wii System Menu update v3.3 gave the homebrew scene a loop de loop when it disabled not only the Twilight Hack, but Datel‘s Wii Freeloader as well. While the Twilight Hack coders were able to find a workaround, Freeloader is a different story.
A few days ago, Datel’s Codejunkies website updated its product page for Freeloader to say that it is no longer compatible with the Wii’s latest firmware update. Now the situation has progressed and all versions of the Freeloader have been removed from their retail site, as revealed by an internal search of the site.
Condejunkies’ UK site, however, still has the product pages (external link) as of this writing. but this might not be for long. There’s no word on whether there are any plans for an updated version, but we can keep our fingers crossed.
Via Codejunkies