DDO Updates: Patron System and Adventure Compendium
The port city of Stormreach is thriving with travellers seeking fame, glory, riches or a fresh start due to the the new sea lane that opened between Khorvaire and Xen’Drik. As the inns filled to bursting and new faces filled the marketplace, the original residents of Stormreach had to decide how best to separate the wheat from the chaff. House Kundarak was the first group to see the opportunity inherent in the situation. They began offering incentives and rewards for service to House Kundarak.
The Patron System
The launch of the Twilight Forge Module will introduce a new system through which players gain favor with different groups by completing specific adventures. Favor allows you access to special items and rewards; the higher your favor, the greater the rewards.
Representatives from each of the patron groups will be responsible for giving out new ranks and the accompanying rewards. These Representatives can be found in various locations throughout Stormreach.
When you have earned a new rank with a patron organization, a congratulatory letter will be sent to your mailbox, inviting you to visit the Patron’s representative for your reward. You will be able to track your favor with each of the patrons organizations with a new UI element called the Adventure Compendium.
The Adventure Compendium
You can open the Adventure Compendium by either hitting the new “star” button located next to the Quest Journal button on the main menu bar or by hitting the “P” key. The Adventure Compendium has two panels “Adventures” and “Patrons”.
Read full article after the jump!
The port city of Stormreach is thriving with travellers seeking fame, glory, riches or a fresh start due to the the new sea lane that opened between Khorvaire and Xen’Drik. As the inns filled to bursting and new faces filled the marketplace, the original residents of Stormreach had to decide how best to separate the wheat from the chaff. House Kundarak was the first group to see the opportunity inherent in the situation. They began offering incentives and rewards for service to House Kundarak.
The Patron System
The launch of the Twilight Forge Module will introduce a new system through which players gain favor with different groups by completing specific adventures. Favor allows you access to special items and rewards; the higher your favor, the greater the rewards.
Representatives from each of the patron groups will be responsible for giving out new ranks and the accompanying rewards. These Representatives can be found in various locations throughout Stormreach.
When you have earned a new rank with a patron organization, a congratulatory letter will be sent to your mailbox, inviting you to visit the Patron’s representative for your reward. You will be able to track your favor with each of the patrons organizations with a new UI element called the Adventure Compendium.
The Adventure Compendium
You can open the Adventure Compendium by either hitting the new “star” button located next to the Quest Journal button on the main menu bar or by hitting the “P” key. The Adventure Compendium has two panels “Adventures” and “Patrons”.
The Adventure Panel
The Adventure Panel shows a quick report of your progress through the adventures in DDO by listing your recommended adventures. As you gain in level your recommended adventure list will change. If you successfully complete an adventure that is above your recommended level it will appear in your Adventure Panel with the following information – Adventure name, Level, Patron, Progress (highest completed difficulty) and favor.
Clicking on an adventure will highlight that adventure. Double-clicking on an adventure will open the Quest Journal to the story quest containing that adventure (unless your journal doesn’t contain that quest). You will also be able to sort the compendium by clicking on the category of your choice.
The Patron Panel
The Patron Panel shows the various Patron groups, your current favor with each group, and tracks your progress towards the next rank with each group. You can see the patron name, the representative for the next rank to attain and a description of the lore and purpose of the patron. In addition to the group trackers, a “Total Favor” tracker is provided. This bar shows the progress of all favor, regardless of individual patrons.
If you’ve been playing the game since the very beginning, don’t fret. The Patron system will be retroactive and will take into account all of the adventures you have completed at the time the Twilight Forge Module launches. Many of you will find that you can already visit some of the Patron’s representatives to gain your ranks and rewards.
Via ddo