Deal or No Deal DS now with sounds

Deal or No Deal - Image 1Been havin’ fun with Robert Durbin‘s Deal or No Deal brew for the DS, haven’t you? So have we! But we gotta admit, the experience has been a bit bland because the previous version lacked sounds that could’ve added that extra heart-pounding element to the gameplay.

So imagine our joy when news reached our ears that Durbin has updated his brew to include game sounds! And not only that, he’s thrown in quite a few other changes for this release also like D-pad support, better graphics, etc. Here’s the full list:


  • added sounds
  • added D-pad support
  • fixed minor and major bugs
  • cleaned up the code and redone briefcase graphics
  • better animation for the briefcases

With these pretty major updates in the game, we’re sure we can only expect better releases and versions from hereon. Included in his to-do list is to add an Internet highscore table with stats as well as a personal one, more sounds with the case number and amount being voiced out, and ability to change the case prizes (could be a car, etc.) or money values. Definitely interesting ideas which will hopefully be executed well. So while we wait for that, why don’t you…

Download: [Deal or No Deal DS (with sounds)]

Deal or No Deal - Image 1Been havin’ fun with Robert Durbin‘s Deal or No Deal brew for the DS, haven’t you? So have we! But we gotta admit, the experience has been a bit bland because the previous version lacked sounds that could’ve added that extra heart-pounding element to the gameplay.

So imagine our joy when news reached our ears that Durbin has updated his brew to include game sounds! And not only that, he’s thrown in quite a few other changes for this release also like D-pad support, better graphics, etc. Here’s the full list:


  • added sounds
  • added D-pad support
  • fixed minor and major bugs
  • cleaned up the code and redone briefcase graphics
  • better animation for the briefcases

With these pretty major updates in the game, we’re sure we can only expect better releases and versions from hereon. Included in his to-do list is to add an Internet highscore table with stats as well as a personal one, more sounds with the case number and amount being voiced out, and ability to change the case prizes (could be a car, etc.) or money values. Definitely interesting ideas which will hopefully be executed well. So while we wait for that, why don’t you…

Download: [Deal or No Deal DS (with sounds)]

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