Dear Mr. President: Jack Thompson asks Obama for nationwide ban on ‘murder simulators’
Still trying to fight his seemingly endless battle against violent video games, Jack Thompson has now forwarded his concerns to the White House. The latest on the already disbarred ace attorney has him sending a letter to none other than President Barack Obama, asking him to give an outright ban on these ‘murder simulators.’ And that ban is absolute – not to be sold whether you’re a kid, a tween, an adolescent, or even an adult on your 50s! He wants violent games to be totally wiped off the map!
Still trying to fight his seemingly endless battle against violent video games, Jack Thompson has now forwarded his concerns to the White House. The latest on the already disbarred ace attorney has him sending a letter to none other than President Barack Obama.
In his letter (a very, very long one at that), he outlined various cases across the globe showing violence which have – for some reason (of his) or other – been linked to video games. We’re posting his letter in its entirety below so you can read it, but the long and short of it is this…
Thompson is pleading to Obama to have some form of restriction on violent video game. Hold on, not just any form of restriction, but an outright total ban. Once again, JT has brought back his age-old ‘video games as murder simulators’ argument, this time asking PotUS to prevent these kinds of games from being sold to the US market, whether they be kids, adolescents, or even adults.
Here, he uses some very strong words and dropping very sensitive topics like the Columbine tragedy. He even made an appeal to the President’s emotions, “from one father to another,” asking him to ban violent games from America.
So, for the sake of integrity, here we have the whole letter, from Jack Thompson to Obama:
Dear Mr. President:
Recently a German teenager methodically authored a massacre at his school, and like the perpetrator of a nearly identical earlier massacre in Erfurt, Germany, he trained on Mature-rated video games to both incite and train for this mass killing.
Now the head of German’s national police union has called for a total ban throughout Germany of these virtual reality murder simulators that have been repeatedly linked to such senseless massacres. He is right to do so.
In early April 1999, I appeared on NBC’s Today show with the parents of the three girls killed in their Paducah, Kentucky Heath High School by a fourteen-year-old video gamer who trained to kill them on Doom. When Matt Lauer asked me what I feared most from what we had learned in Paducah, I told him that we feared other boys in other American high schools would train on the same murder simulator to kill even more students. One week later, Columbine’s Klebold and Harris made that awful prediction come true.
That is why I have been on CBS‘ 60 Minutes twice, both upon the request of the late and great Ed Bradley, to warn the nation that more Columbines are on the way.
There have been enough murders caused by violent video games that if I were to list in this letter the names of the victims, those names would more than fill the remainder of this page and all of the next.
Since 1999, I believe it is fair to say I have led the charge around the globe to keep these mature- and adult-rated games out of the hands of underage kids. I wrote the bill to do just that, passed unanimously by both houses of the Louisiana legislature, which was signed into law by Democrat Governor Blanco, only to have the video game industry blackmail that state into not defending that constitutional law in federal court.
I have more recently drafted House Bill 353, which both houses of the Utah legislature have overwhelmingly passed, and it awaits Gov. Huntsman’s signing of it into law. All this bill does is amend Utah’s already existing Truth in Advertising Law in telling purveyors of mature and adult entertainment that if they say to the public they do not sell their age-restricted products to children, then they must keep that promise. Otherwise, they are engaged in fraudulent, deceptive, untruthful advertising.
What has been the entertainment industry’s response to this clearly constitutional and straight-forward bill? They have bombarded Gov. Huntsman with lies that completely misrepresent the bill, but even more remarkably (how is one truly surprised by a new wave of fraud from a fraudulent industry?), an organization calling itself the National Coalition against Censorship is telling Gov. Huntsman that “minors have a First Amendment right to adult entertainment.” The lunacy of such a statement is precisely what the Entertainment Software Association itself actually believes, but it has only said that under cover of federal pleadings in federal court cases challenging constitutional video game bills.
Both the Entertainment Software Association and the Entertainment Software Rating Board are spending countless dollars doing all that they can to avoid strict compliance with their own age ratings on games. The United States Federal Trade Commission repeatedly documents the breaking of both the movie and the video game industries’ promises made to the nation after Columbine. The latest lies coming out of both the ESA and the ESRB to try to intimidate first the Utah legislature and now Governor Huntsman are shocking, as they reveal an industry that has absolutely no behavior compass but that provided by greed. The video game industry makes Wall Street crooks look like a bunch of Mother Teresa clones.
Therefore, this industry’s continuing mendacity, coupled with the recurring mass murders in Germany and in the United States and elsewhere linked to these games, has caused me, after ten years of leading this battle against the mental molestation of minors for money, to rethink and revise my goal. Heretofore I have taken the video game industry’s word that it does not want kids to get adult products. The industry has finally caused me to shed, in the last few days, my propensity to give it the benefit of the doubt.
What they are now doing in Utah shows that what must be done in the United States is what is about to be done in Germany. If the video game industry will not do what is necessary to keep killer games out of the hands of impressionable kids, whom neuroscience proves are the most likely to copycat these virtual reality killing scenarios, then we must implement, as a society, a total ban on the consumption of these murder simulators by adults and kids alike.
An industry that uses fraud to get adult games, that are age-rated, into the hands of kids by using those age ratings as a deceptive fraud rather than as a real shield to prevent the grand theft innocence of our children, has used up all the trust and goodwill extended it since Columbine. An industry that will not do what is necessary to protect children from the harm its product causes has forfeited any “right” to conduct its business as usual. An industry that insists children have a constitutional right to purchase adult products is nothing more than a band of thuggish pirates like those operating off the Somali coast.
An industry, then, that will not keep its adult products from children, while claiming it does, must be deprived of its opportunity to sell these adult products to anyone. This is the price this industry must pay for more than a decade of deception and death.
Game over.
I am not the only person who believes this must be done. There are indeed those within the video game industry itself who are appalled by the fact that the ESA, the entity that speaks for the entire industry, is so cavalier in thumbing its nose at parents and their children. They know that the video game industry is one more Virginia Tech away from commercial annihilation.
Your own soon-to-be confirmed Secretary of Commerce, Gary Locke, knows how dangerous these murder simulators are and how deceptive are the video game industry’s marketing practices. He, as Governor of Washington, signed into law one of the nation’s first video game laws on whose behalf I testified in Olympia a number of years ago. As a Republican, I am delighted that Mr. Locke will be heading Commerce, which has been so heavily involved in documenting the continuing marketing of violent entertainment to children since President Clinton asked it to do so after the heartache of Columbine.
Secretary Locke will be an excellent person to study this problem anew, and I hope, if you ask him to look at this issue, he will then recommend to you and your Administration a total nationwide ban on these killer games that I now, this very day, seek.
I conclude by asking you, one father to another, to take the bold moves necessary to get these murder simulators out of America. We have more guns than people in this country. We are training our teens to be Manchurian Candidates to use them and to author what will be more Columbines, more Virginia Techs, and more shattered communities.
Regards, Jack Thompson
PS: Your first judicial nominee, David Hamilton, upheld as constitutional Indianapolis’ clearly constitutional video game law. This fact serves to show that this judge of your choosing is in tune with what has been my legal position on these matters as well. I am certain Judge Hamilton would consider as utterly absurd the position of the video game industry that minors have a constitutional right to purchase adult products.
Thanks to Aadithreya for the heads up!
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Via Popzara