Details for the next FFXI version update
The Final Fantasy XI development team has released some new info on the game’s upcoming version update on PlayOnline‘s official Final Fantasy XI website. Read on for a quick look at some of the additions, fixes, and supplements included in the upcoming update.
New missions will of course be included in the update, and text display issues during chocobo races will also be addressed. In addition, players will also be able to get condensed updates from trainers. Players will also be able to feed their chocobos with multiple servings once the update goes live.
Speaking of chocobos, Choco-gals will also begin offering chocobo rentals from the teleport crystals in the Eastern Altepa desert, the Yhoator Jungle, and from the leypoint in the WaENom Woodlands. New NPCs have also been stationed in Bastok, San d’Oria and Windurst offering transportation to Aht Urhgan Whitegate. Of course, it’s not free, but the fee will reportedly be minimal.
The level restriction on players allowed to use the outpost teleportation services located in Bastok, Windurst, and San d’Oria will be lowered. A fee adjustment is also being considered.
The Final Fantasy XI development team has released some new info on the game’s upcoming version update on PlayOnline‘s official Final Fantasy XI website. Read on for a quick look at some of the additions, fixes, and supplements included in the upcoming update.
New missions will of course be included in the update, and text display issues during chocobo races will also be addressed. In addition, players will also be able to get condensed updates from trainers. Players will also be able to feed their chocobos with multiple servings once the update goes live.
Speaking of chocobos, Choco-gals will also begin offering chocobo rentals from the teleport crystals in the Eastern Altepa desert, the Yhoator Jungle, and from the leypoint in the WaENom Woodlands. New NPCs have also been stationed in Bastok, San d’Oria and Windurst offering transportation to Aht Urhgan Whitegate. Of course, it’s not free, but the fee will reportedly be minimal.
The level restriction on players allowed to use the outpost teleportation services located in Bastok, Windurst, and San d’Oria will be lowered. A fee adjustment is also being considered.