Did Sony just hotlink PSPupdates on their PSP content download site?
We still can’t believe it, either.
We’ve gotten tips, via the comment pages of many of our PSP Updates articles – thanks to everyone, and we mean EVERYONE who sent this tip in to us!!! You guys are the best! – that Sony did…
We really still can’t believe it, either. Did Sony just hotlink us on their PSP downloads page?!
We went over to the site our tipsters pointed us to, and we still cannot believe it. We took a screenshot of it, with our mouse cursor hovering over the relevant hotlink. Yes, it directs to PSP Updates! We’ve even pointed out what to look out for in the screenshot. Click on it to see the larger image (it’s a really big image, since we had to capture the whole screen).
Is this official? And now this report’s got all of us here speculating like mad. A couple of staffers are beginning to think this might be a prank, the result of someone hacking onto the Sony PSP download page. Another theory floating in the air is that Sony wants to keep a wary eye on the PSP homebrew community, sorta like Big Brother.
But what if… we’ve got one wild guess, we’re betting it’s not even likely, let alone going to happen… what if this really is from Sony, and they really and deliberately hot-linked PSP Updates? What if this means they’re finally embracing homebrew, giving the green light to our entire homebrew community?
Could it be…?
Nah, probably not. Maybe not until their legal issues with Devhook are settled. Maybe not until an official press release from their PR department that declares their undying love for us. Maybe when pigs fly. It’s easier to be skeptical about this.
It was a nice thought while it lasted, though. What do you guys think? Throw in your opinions, your hypotheses, your wild conspiracy theories into the air.
Oh, and in case someone “official” is reading this site right now, let’s show him that we’re a solid, supportive PSP-enthusiastic community.
Again, we can’t say this enough: thanks to all the QJ PSP Updates readers who tipped us off to this!
We still can’t believe it, either.
We’ve gotten tips, via the comment pages of many of our PSP Updates articles – thanks to everyone, and we mean EVERYONE who sent this tip in to us!!! You guys are the best! – that Sony did…
We really still can’t believe it, either. Did Sony just hotlink us on their PSP downloads page?!
We went over to the site our tipsters pointed us to, and we still cannot believe it. We took a screenshot of it, with our mouse cursor hovering over the relevant hotlink. Yes, it directs to PSP Updates! We’ve even pointed out what to look out for in the screenshot. Click on it to see the larger image (it’s a really big image, since we had to capture the whole screen).
Is this official? And now this report’s got all of us here speculating like mad. A couple of staffers are beginning to think this might be a prank, the result of someone hacking onto the Sony PSP download page. Another theory floating in the air is that Sony wants to keep a wary eye on the PSP homebrew community, sorta like Big Brother.
But what if… we’ve got one wild guess, we’re betting it’s not even likely, let alone going to happen… what if this really is from Sony, and they really and deliberately hot-linked PSP Updates? What if this means they’re finally embracing homebrew, giving the green light to our entire homebrew community?
Could it be…?
Nah, probably not. Maybe not until their legal issues with Devhook are settled. Maybe not until an official press release from their PR department that declares their undying love for us. Maybe when pigs fly. It’s easier to be skeptical about this.
It was a nice thought while it lasted, though. What do you guys think? Throw in your opinions, your hypotheses, your wild conspiracy theories into the air.
Oh, and in case someone “official” is reading this site right now, let’s show him that we’re a solid, supportive PSP-enthusiastic community.
Again, we can’t say this enough: thanks to all the QJ PSP Updates readers who tipped us off to this!