Digitizing your Johnny Hancock, World of Warcraft-style

Thrissa's Signature Generator - altered image - Image 1 

Here’s a little topic side-stepper for you folks who are probably getting swamped with all the Games Developer Conference news spewing like a storm this week. It’s nice that the WoW Forums get your general identity spot on with the name, portrait, race, class, level and PvP rank. But wouldn’t it be nicer if it was animated like ’em blue post reps, or just screamed “I’m cooler than y’all!”?

If you’re nodding right now, then check this out. There’s a signature generator (courtesy of Thrissa) available on the Web that generates a pretty cool graphical signature, which you can append at the bottom of each of your post. What’s even cooler is that you can use the signature in other non-official World of Warcraft forums that you participate in, either slapped on as HTML code, forum-worthy BB code or a simple image link (which you can save on your hard drive).

So we all know that the Warcraft Armory spills details on character profiles and their specs, right? Well the signature generator extracts that information from the Armory, but calculates it’s own statistics to make you look even cooler. It can add your damage rating, regen stats, and your main attribute level, all depending on your class. It’ll even cough up a couple of versions to allow you to choose between which style you want and whether for PvE or PvP representation.

So what are you waiting for? Give it a try by clicking the “Read” link provided below. It currently just works for the U.S. realms, but perhaps there will be Europe version out soon.

Thrissa's Signature Generator - altered image - Image 1 

Here’s a little topic side-stepper for you folks who are probably getting swamped with all the Games Developer Conference news spewing like a storm this week. It’s nice that the WoW Forums get your general identity spot on with the name, portrait, race, class, level and PvP rank. But wouldn’t it be nicer if it was animated like ’em blue post reps, or just screamed “I’m cooler than y’all!”?

If you’re nodding right now, then check this out. There’s a signature generator (courtesy of Thrissa) available on the Web that generates a pretty cool graphical signature, which you can append at the bottom of each of your post. What’s even cooler is that you can use the signature in other non-official World of Warcraft forums that you participate in, either slapped on as HTML code, forum-worthy BB code or a simple image link (which you can save on your hard drive).

So we all know that the Warcraft Armory spills details on character profiles and their specs, right? Well the signature generator extracts that information from the Armory, but calculates it’s own statistics to make you look even cooler. It can add your damage rating, regen stats, and your main attribute level, all depending on your class. It’ll even cough up a couple of versions to allow you to choose between which style you want and whether for PvE or PvP representation.

So what are you waiting for? Give it a try by clicking the “Read” link provided below. It currently just works for the U.S. realms, but perhaps there will be Europe version out soon.

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