Dissidia: Final Fantasy tutorial vid on summons, aeons, espers, GFs, whatever-you-call-em
Last week, we learned that summons are also going to make their presence felt in Dissidia: Final Fantasy. Back then, we saw Ifrit, Carbuncle, and Cactuar. Today, we see them in action! There are about fifty types of summons available in the game, each of them affecting battle differently. Learn how to turn the tides of battle by calling on the right summon, aeon, esper, or GF (depending on which FF game you’re getting them from), care of this new gameplay video teaching us the mechanics of summons!
With your powers combined, he is Ifrit, Lord of Hellfire and in the case of FF12, a clunky airship (booo!). Last week, we learned that summons are also going to make their presence felt in Dissidia: Final Fantasy. Back then, we saw Ifrit, Carbuncle, and Cactuar. Today, we see them in action!
Square Enix‘s official website for Dissidia has been updated with a new video explaining some gameplay mechanics about the summons. From what it looks like, summons in this fighting game aren’t cut from the same cloth of summons in other FF titles. Yes, we see the same summons, aeons, or espers (depending on which game you’re getting them from), but gameplay-wise, they’re different.
In the other FF games, summons are usually called into battle to either deal direct damage to the enemy or give your party some buffs. In Dissidia, it appears that the summons don’t directly affect the battle per se (e.g. swoop in and flip giant crabs for maximum damage or something – no, none of that here). They are equipped via Summon Stones.
From what it looks like, summoning in Dissidia is like summoning a creature (e.g. Ifrit) to imbue your character with a special attack or attribute. Calling on summons affects the Brave points of your character, and sometimes your enemy’s Brave points too.
Currently, there are 50 summons confirmed to be in the game. As for who and what those summons will be, it looks like another job of filling in a roster. Anyone for another round of “Dissecting Dissidia“?
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