DIY: Deafening those Rock Band drum controllers
If arts and crafts are your thing, Thomas “CigDangle” Balistreri from website Generation: Gamerz has just the thing to jazz up your Rock Band (Xbox 360, PS3) setup as you go on another jamming session with your friends.
For those of you who’ve already tried out Harmonix‘s Rock Band, you might have realized that the default drum controllers can be quite an earful. Check out how to make this neat setup right after the jump!
If arts and crafts are your thing, Thomas “CigDangle” Balistreri from website Generation: Gamerz has just the thing to jazz up your Rock Band (Xbox 360, PS3) setup as you go on another jamming session with your friends.
For those of you who’ve already tried out Harmonix‘s Rock Band, you might have realized that the default drum controllers can be quite an earful.
This is especially annoying when you’re trying to listen to the songs being played so that you don’t miss a beat. CigDangle was able to come up with a cheap alternative to deafen those noisy drum controllers with a couple of household items that you can grab from the nearest corner store.
All you really need are four sheets of self-adhesive foam rubber and self-adhesive felt. The video we have below taken from DaveWhittle shows off how a little ingenuity can make your gaming experience a whole lot more sensible.
For more details, you can check out the Via link below for the detailed steps on how to create the setup. Now if only someone could find a way to deaden the bass pedal, then the neighbors would all be happier for it.