Djon blogs about Hot PXL
Jonathan “Djon” Choquel is always fond of talking about his creation Hot PXL. Or at least it shows in previous interviews and his latest entry in his online diary. As always, Djon is not offended one bit whenever his game is being compared to classic Nintendo title Wario Ware. Who would anyway? His entry began:
It’s easily one of the strangest games to ever hit the PSP. Hot PXL, from developer zSlide, takes a stab at urban street culture by offering an eclectic mix of ‘micro-games.’ And by micro-games, you should understand super-short, simplified mini-games.
It was quite amusing reading further into Djon’s diary. It’s as if we can feel his excitement jumping out of our screens. Anyone following the progress of this title would know that some mistook it for a homebrew game at first. This may be attributed to Hot PXL‘s various selection of graphics. Djon explained:
Aesthetics quickly switch from photo-realism to street influenced graphics and retro pixel art… It breaks down the traditional frontiers between gaming and entertainment, blending audio, video and games. The goal was to focus on the gaming experience and not try to technically one-up previous releases.
And in case you are wondering, the game isn’t just a big smorgasbord of mini-games. Djon actually borrowed from personal experience when he was still working as a journalist. The game now involves various activities. Some are as simple as crossing a street, taking snapshots of street art and even chomping a burger.
Finally, Djon assured everyone that the game is on track and will soon be released. He also mentioned that Hot PXL will involve downloadable content and a multiplayer mode.
Via WorthPlaying
Jonathan “Djon” Choquel is always fond of talking about his creation Hot PXL. Or at least it shows in previous interviews and his latest entry in his online diary. As always, Djon is not offended one bit whenever his game is being compared to classic Nintendo title Wario Ware. Who would anyway? His entry began:
It’s easily one of the strangest games to ever hit the PSP. Hot PXL, from developer zSlide, takes a stab at urban street culture by offering an eclectic mix of ‘micro-games.’ And by micro-games, you should understand super-short, simplified mini-games.
It was quite amusing reading further into Djon’s diary. It’s as if we can feel his excitement jumping out of our screens. Anyone following the progress of this title would know that some mistook it for a homebrew game at first. This may be attributed to Hot PXL‘s various selection of graphics. Djon explained:
Aesthetics quickly switch from photo-realism to street influenced graphics and retro pixel art… It breaks down the traditional frontiers between gaming and entertainment, blending audio, video and games. The goal was to focus on the gaming experience and not try to technically one-up previous releases.
And in case you are wondering, the game isn’t just a big smorgasbord of mini-games. Djon actually borrowed from personal experience when he was still working as a journalist. The game now involves various activities. Some are as simple as crossing a street, taking snapshots of street art and even chomping a burger.
Finally, Djon assured everyone that the game is on track and will soon be released. He also mentioned that Hot PXL will involve downloadable content and a multiplayer mode.
Via WorthPlaying