Does MotorStorm gameplay meet its target render?
“Does MotorStorm gameplay meet its target render?”
Ask that question about Sony‘s dirty off-road racer to GameTrailers, and GameTrailers will respond with their side-by-side comparison of current MotorStorm gameplay with the trailers Sony showed off during E3, and let you be the ranting, l337-speak judges. So, does it meet its target render?
The gameplay renders are quite sharp, no doubt, especially when you drill down past the cars and to the terrain, however, the gameplay vid’s obviously a different animal from the E3 teaser, as the colors in the gameplay are quite vivid compared to the subdued, sun-bleached palettes of the E3 target render vid. There isn’t much dust cloud effects in the gameplay, although (A) we don’t know if that much dust choking the game’s air was the intention of the devs at any point in time, despite the trailer, and (B) we don’t know if dust thick enough to choke your sight of the game’s a wise idea anyway.
But then, the final gameplay product always tends to be different from pre-rendered concepts, and that’s all we can honestly say about the side-by-sider from GT. Anything else, and that would be pure opinion on our part. But what do you guys think?
“Does MotorStorm gameplay meet its target render?”
Ask that question about Sony‘s dirty off-road racer to GameTrailers, and GameTrailers will respond with their side-by-side comparison of current MotorStorm gameplay with the trailers Sony showed off during E3, and let you be the ranting, l337-speak judges. So, does it meet its target render?
The gameplay renders are quite sharp, no doubt, especially when you drill down past the cars and to the terrain, however, the gameplay vid’s obviously a different animal from the E3 teaser, as the colors in the gameplay are quite vivid compared to the subdued, sun-bleached palettes of the E3 target render vid. There isn’t much dust cloud effects in the gameplay, although (A) we don’t know if that much dust choking the game’s air was the intention of the devs at any point in time, despite the trailer, and (B) we don’t know if dust thick enough to choke your sight of the game’s a wise idea anyway.
But then, the final gameplay product always tends to be different from pre-rendered concepts, and that’s all we can honestly say about the side-by-sider from GT. Anything else, and that would be pure opinion on our part. But what do you guys think?