Don’t Look Now. You May Already Have Gamer’s Eyes.
Too much gaming, as you all know by now, is bad, bad, bad for you. Video games are particularly hard on the eyes. According to an article by Andrew Bermam in Tech Zone, “Flash graphics, rapid-fire movements, and long hours at the console result in health problems like muscle and eye strain. Common ailments resulting from gaming are: lateral epicondylitis, tendonitis, bursitis, and carpel tunnel syndrome among others.”
Among others? You mean there’s more? If that didn’t scare you, you must already be numb and cross-eyed from too much gaming. We posted an article called “Tips On How To Avoid ‘Xbox Vision’, ‘Nintendonitis’, And Other Gaming-Related Discomforts”. We hope you didn’t turn a blind eye to it!
Here are more tips to keep gaming safe, especially for your eyes.
- Blink your eyes to lubricate it. We doubt you could lose the game to blinking every now and then.
- Ask your eye doctor to prescribe artificial tears that will moisten your eyes. Or you can pull out a nose hair every now and then to make your eyes well up.
- At least 6-8 times a day, rub the palms of your hands together and press them on your eyes. Hold themthere for a few minutes. The warmth of your palms will relax the eye muscles. A warm hotpack may also do the trick if you rhands have turned into horrible claw-like things after hours of gaming.
- Greenery soothes eyes, so glance as often as you can at green trees, bushes, or plants. You can also watch the horror classic The Exorcist. Lots of green colored stuff streaming out of Linda Blair’s throat there.
- Do simple Yoga eye strengthening exercises. Don’t worry you don’t have to sit, painfully, like a circus contortionist. Roll your eyes, focusing on your nose and then the area between your eyebrows. Shift your balls (you eyeballs, we mean, we never tire of that line) from left to right. Was that too hard?
- Get a qualified eye doctor (not your bestfriend) to check your vision and find out whether you need “computer glasses.” If you use contact lenses, doctors say take them off and use glasses instead.
- Bug your parents to buy you HDTV. Screens with sharper images and greater clarity are gentler to the eyes. If they say no, remind them that prevention of CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) is a hundred times better than any cure after a problem occurs. Of course it could backfire, they could take away your console, instead.
Via The Tech Zone
Too much gaming, as you all know by now, is bad, bad, bad for you. Video games are particularly hard on the eyes. According to an article by Andrew Bermam in Tech Zone, “Flash graphics, rapid-fire movements, and long hours at the console result in health problems like muscle and eye strain. Common ailments resulting from gaming are: lateral epicondylitis, tendonitis, bursitis, and carpel tunnel syndrome among others.”
Among others? You mean there’s more? If that didn’t scare you, you must already be numb and cross-eyed from too much gaming. We posted an article called “Tips On How To Avoid ‘Xbox Vision’, ‘Nintendonitis’, And Other Gaming-Related Discomforts”. We hope you didn’t turn a blind eye to it!
Here are more tips to keep gaming safe, especially for your eyes.
- Blink your eyes to lubricate it. We doubt you could lose the game to blinking every now and then.
- Ask your eye doctor to prescribe artificial tears that will moisten your eyes. Or you can pull out a nose hair every now and then to make your eyes well up.
- At least 6-8 times a day, rub the palms of your hands together and press them on your eyes. Hold themthere for a few minutes. The warmth of your palms will relax the eye muscles. A warm hotpack may also do the trick if you rhands have turned into horrible claw-like things after hours of gaming.
- Greenery soothes eyes, so glance as often as you can at green trees, bushes, or plants. You can also watch the horror classic The Exorcist. Lots of green colored stuff streaming out of Linda Blair’s throat there.
- Do simple Yoga eye strengthening exercises. Don’t worry you don’t have to sit, painfully, like a circus contortionist. Roll your eyes, focusing on your nose and then the area between your eyebrows. Shift your balls (you eyeballs, we mean, we never tire of that line) from left to right. Was that too hard?
- Get a qualified eye doctor (not your bestfriend) to check your vision and find out whether you need “computer glasses.” If you use contact lenses, doctors say take them off and use glasses instead.
- Bug your parents to buy you HDTV. Screens with sharper images and greater clarity are gentler to the eyes. If they say no, remind them that prevention of CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) is a hundred times better than any cure after a problem occurs. Of course it could backfire, they could take away your console, instead.
Via The Tech Zone