Doom Resurrection for iPhone and iPod Touch out now, interview with the devs

Doom Resurrection - Image 1With id Software‘s latest release, Doom Resurrection, now on the App Store, attention now turns to the gameplay and the controls of the handheld FPS. For that, Touch Arcade managed to get the info straight from John Carmack himself, plus Tom Mustaine of Escalation Studios. Learn more after the jump.

With id Software‘s latest release, Doom Resurrection, now on the App Store, attention now turns to the gameplay and the controls of the handheld FPS. For that, Touch Arcade managed to get the info straight from John Carmack himself, plus Tom Mustaine of Escalation Studios.

One of the biggest criticisms about Doom Resurrection was that it felt like an on-rails experience, which described the game to be limiting. This, however, was contested by both Carmack and Mustaine, saying that they limited the free-roam aspect to make the game far more accessible and improved the overall experience.

“We tried to avoid having it characterized like that, there is a stigma associated with that,” Carmack said. “We like to talk about it as kind of a “crafted experience.” Adding to that experience would be the tilt-to-aim mechanic, which they proudly put in place of the not-as-fun tap-to-shoot format. This feature has not been used in other iPhone games yet, and they expect it to be imitated soon.

Here’s a vid for you to get a bigger picture of what they’re talking about.

Doom Resurrection is now available in the App Store for US$ 9.99.

More on id Software and Doom Resurrection:

Via Touch Arcade

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